
En este ILS el alumno investiga de qué  variables depende la f.e.m de una pila  y cómo depende de ellas. Sigue las fases propias del método científico y una vez ha formulado las hipótesis, utiliza  un laboratorio virtual para contrastarlas y sacar las conclusiones correspondientes.

Our objective is to study the variation of cell potential with change in the concentration of electrolytes  at room temperature. Students understand the terms, electrochemical cell, electrolytic cell, Daniell cell, salt bridge, EMF. Students acquire the skill to construct a Daniell cell. Students understand the significance of salt bridge. Students acquire the skill to calculate the electrode potential of a half cell and full cell using the Nernst equation. Students acquire the skill to measure the EMF of a cell by viewing animation & simulator. Students understand how the electrode potential of a given cell varies with the concentration of electrolytes in the anodic and cathodic half cell.



    Prior Knowledge Requirements

    Número de oxidación; reacciones redox; oxidante; reductor; oxidación; reducción; pares redox

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