The Go-Lab Initiative has officially finished in June 2023. The Go-Lab Sharing and Support platform ( is now maintained as the Go-Lab Showcase platform, demonstrating Go-Lab's activities and achievements in the past ten years. This means that the content of this website can be used for your information only. It is no longer possible to create and publish Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) on this website. However, it is still possible to find online labs and inquiry apps and access them on the providers' websites.

If you are interested in creating and using ILSs in your classroom, please refer to the new Authoring Platform Graasp ( It is still possible to migrate your previously created ILSs from the old to the new one (learn here how to save your work).

Iată provocarea, pentru  a cunoaște una dintre primele miracole de pe Pământ !
Bu ders planı ortaokul Fen Bilimleri dersindeki elektriklenme olayı ve…
The lab shows a simple circuit, with a battery, a switch, a resistor, and a few…
This animation shows one specific thermodynamic cycle for a monatomic ideal gas.
This ILS is on Osmosis but more specifically facilitates the learners…
This simulation allows students to study Newton's second law in rotational…
This simulation allows students to study forces between currents.
This simulation allows students to study the Bohr model.
In this simulation, you see, on the left, a picture of a box at rest on a table.
This simulation allows students to study the collision of two bodies.
Στο περιβάλλον μάθησης "Ευθύγραμμες κινήσεις (linear motions)" οι μαθητές θα…
This program is to simulation the kinetic process of a non-elastic collision…