Big Ideas Of Science
Subject Domains
- Analysis Tools
- Asteroid Belt
- Asteroids
- Astrometry
- Astronomical Objects And Their Characteristics
- Astronomy
- Astronomy Related Sciences And Fields Of Study
- Binary Stars
- Black Holes
- Circular Motion
- Colour
- Comets And Meteors
- Coordinates
- Cosmology
- Detectors
- Detectors: Ccd Camera
- Eclipses
- Effect And Phenomena
- Einstein Ring
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Elliptical Galaxy
- Extrasolar Planets
- Fields
- Forces And Motion
- Formation
- Galaxies And Dwarf Galaxies
- Galaxy Clusters
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- Gas (Astronomical Objects And Their Characteristics)
- Giants
- Globular Clusters
- Gravitational Field
- Gravitational Force And Gravity
- Gravitational Lenses
- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- Hii Region
- Intergalactic Medium
- Interstellar Medium
- Irregular Galaxy
- Jets
- Kuiper Belt Objects
- Light
- Light Curve
- Light Sources
- Main Sequence
- Mass Loss
- Microlensing Effect
- Milky Way
- Near-Earth Objects
- Nebula
- Neutron Stars
- Nucleosynthesis
- Observatories
- Online Laboratories
- Open Clusters
- Optics
- Orbit
- Period
- Physics
- Planetary Nebula
- Planets
- Properties Of Light - Generally
- Pulsars
- Quasars
- Redshift
- Reflection (Light)
- Remote Laboratories
- Rotation
- Sensors (Tools For Science)
- Solar System
- Spiral Galaxy
- Star Chart
- Stars
- Supernova
- Supernova Remnants
- Terms And Concepts
- Tools For Science
- Universal Law Of Gravitation
- Variable Stars
- Visible Light
- Waves
Average Learning Time
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The following exercise aims to give you an intorductin to the concept of varying galactic morphologies. You will look in detail at images of numerous galaxies and you will attempt to classify them according to the Hubble Classification Scheme. Moreover, you will try to investigate the origin of the shapes of the galaxies that stem from galaxy interactions.
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