
Motto "Everything is on the face of the Earth is constantly turning, because the Earth is alive and has a soul. We are part of this soul and rarely we realize that it always works for our good. "(Pablo Coelho -" The Alchemist ")

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy is renewable either in direct
or indirect form and holds an important energy potential that can give the user
unlimited availabilities locally and nationally. Harnessing renewable energy
sources can be achieved based on three important premises offered by them:
accessibility, availability and acceptability.

Renewable energy sources provide increased electricity supply safety and limitation of energy resources import, in terms of sustainable economic development.

Future widespread use of renewable energies, in particular solar energy is a planetary priority that should not be ignored by anyone.

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Notiuni avansate despre Soare,
Efectele razelor solare asupra organismului
Modalitati de obtinere a energiilor alternative

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