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Digital systems are everywhere. For instance, a computer is a digital system. This experiment shows the principles of digital systems and devices. This remote lab is not about science, it is about engineering (and technology): design, implementation and analysis of digital systems.
The Boole-WebLab experiment has two steps: design (Boole-Deusto) and implementation (WebLab-Deusto). To conduct the experiment you need to download the free software (see the link to the additional material). In this case a user uses a combination of a designing tool (Boole-Deusto) and a remote lab (WebLab-Deusto). A student designs the behaviour of a digital system using a truth table in Boole-Deusto designing tool. After design stage student can check the evolution of his design on an electronic board.
The tool configures the electronic board automatically. When the reconfiguration is completed, the student can test the design – digital circuits – using switches, buttons and leds. For example, if the student has implemented a calculator, he will introduce two binary numbers with the switches and he will see the result in the leds.
The system provides a rapid prototype environment for digital systems. From a didactical point of view, the Boole-WebLab-Deusto forces the student to design cycle: design – implement – analysis – design.
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