This simulation shows a single mass on a spring, which is connected to the ceiling. The mass is able to move in 2 dimensions, and gravity operates. Does the motion look random to you? Watch the graph for a while and you'll see its actually an intricate pattern.
This simulation shows a single mass on a spring, which is connected to a wall. This is an example of a simple linear oscillator.You can change mass, spring stiffness, and friction (damping). You can drag the mass with your mouse to change the starting position.
This simulation shows 5 masses connected by springs and free to move in 2 dimensions.
Physics-based simulation of a vibrating pendulum with a pivot point is shaking rapidly up and down. Surprisingly, the position with the pendulum being vertically upright is stable, so this is also known as the inverted pendulum.
This simulation shows two springs and masses connected to a wall. The graphs produced are called Lissajous curves and are generated by simple sine and cosine functions.
This simulation shows two objects connected by springs and suspended from an anchor point. The objects are able to move in 2 dimensions and gravity operates. The anchor point is moveable.
This simulation shows two blocks moving along a track and colliding with each other and the walls. One spring is attached to the wall with a spring. Try changing the mass of the blocks to see if the collisions happen correctly.
This simulation shows a chain of springs and masses with fixed attachment points. The fixed attachment points are moveable by the user, and the right attachment point can be removed entirely.
If you had first-year physics in college, you probably solved lots of problems with a ball rolling down a flat inclined plane. Did you ever wonder how to solve for the motion with a curved surface instead? Of course the same principles apply, but the forces are changing as the slope changes.