The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that allows educators to create inclusive environment.
Edward de Bono’s (1999) Six Thinking Hats is a widely adopted creativity technique in various fields, including education.
In a jigsaw puzzle, each part of the picture has to be put in place to depict the whole figure. Accordingly, the Jigsaw Scenario is a type of group learning arrangement, where each student needs to cooperate with his or her peers to achieve learning goals.
The 5E model of learning comprises of 5 stages of inquiry: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
1. Students ‘Engage’ with the new content. This stage is synonymous to the ‘Orientation’ phase of the Basic Approach. In this phase:
The Structured Controversy scenario is a learning activity that uses a controversial socio-scientific issue to engage students. The scenario essentially pairs inquiry-based science education with civic responsibility.
In the Learning by Critiquing! scenario the major student activity is to judge the quality of an experimental set-up. Students read a report written by others about an experiment that they performed.
In the Basic scenario, student learning is centered around performing fundamental inquiry tasks such as identifying variables, making predictions, conducting experiments and drawing evidence-based conclusions.
In “Find the mistake!” the inquiry process is organized around spotting mistakes of other (fictitious) students on a specific subject.